Pathways Counseling & Growth Center

Who We Are

Who We Are

Our multidisciplinary trained staff provide opportunities for individual, couple and family group counseling, education and consultation. We work in collaboration with other community services, including  El Centro in helping people reach their full potential.

A volunteer board of directors provides governance of the agency. A paid professional staff of licensed counselors delivers services to treat people with mental illness, doing so from a holistic (body, mind and spirit) perspective. Pathways sees men, women, children, couples and families. Services are designed for clients who function well enough to attend sessions on an outpatient basis. Referrals are made for emergencies or for needs that we deem are beyond the scope of our resources. Revenue for the organization is developed through donations, contracts, fees collected, and foundation grants. Pathways is accessible to the physically challenged.

Our History

  • Pathways opened in 1981 under the name of “The Samaritan Counseling Center”.
  • Offices were first located in rented space at First Congregational United Church of Christ, Elyria.
  • The Center had three-year start-up funds of $30,000.00 from the Nord Foundation and the Community Foundation of Greater Lorain County.
  • In 1988, the Center moved to larger offices in rented space at First United Methodist Church, Elyria.
  • During the period 1995-1999, Pathways was awarded a series of annual contracts to provide counseling for indigent clients through the Lorain County Department of Job and Family Services.
  • In 2001, marking our 20th anniversary, the agency changed its name to Pathways Counseling & Growth Center and disaffiliated from the Samaritan Institute.
  • In 2001, Pathways became a certified agency of the Ohio Department of Mental Health.
  • In 2002, Pathways was awarded its first annual contract with the Lorain County Board of Mental Health.
  • In 2006, Pathways became certified with CARF, the Council on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities.
  • Pathways celebrated its 25th anniversary in October, 2006.
  • We have successfully met and maintained rigorous standards and have been granted CARF re-accrediation in 2009, 2012, 2015 and 2021.
  • Pathways has been serving the community for over 40 years!

Our Board of directors

Dan Miller


Lena Parks


Joe Bott


Tonya Hurst

Board Member

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